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18 Red Roses


Give the ultimate statement with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of eighteen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Enchanting Rose Bouquet


Give the ultimate statement with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of eighteen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist in a tranquil glass vase, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Rose Expressions


Speak volumes with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of two-dozen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Heartfelt Expressions


Speak volumes with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of two-dozen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

The Sweet Smell of Roses


A virtual rainbow, this bountiful bouquet bursts with blooms boasting hues of pink, coral and yellow. Vibrant and lively, these fresh, sweet smelling flowers will illuminate any room and make for an enchanting get well gift!

A Kiss of Citrus


Capture the essence of summer with this vibrant array of blooms in citrus hues of orange, coral and yellow. Classic cream flowers add a soft, delicate elegance, making this bouquet a truly sensational get well gift!

Jazz in the Park


Tranquil and serene, this exquisite bouquet of pastel petals brims with charm, beauty and sweet floral scents. Vibrant and breathtaking, these fresh flowers are sure to make a splendidly memorable gift for a friend in need of nature's healing powers!

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender petals of pink exude soft vibrance, set amid stems of gorgeous greens. Extravagant yet classic, this arrangement makes a heartfelt and heartwarming get well gift.

2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet


Vivid, velvety and vivacious, this extravagant, yet classically elegant arrangement of red roses is sure to express your heartfelt best wishes and sincere support.

18 Assorted Roses


Express sweet affection and tender love with this absolutely gorgeous bouquet of assorted roses! A most beautiful gesture of best wishes�order today!

Rose Devotion


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful gesture of your best wishes and loving support!

Rose Explosion


Radiant with ravishing beauty, this magnificent bouquet of eighteen perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful gesture of your best wishes and loving support!

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Ravishing roses sparkle with nature's beauty and grace. An exquisite arrangement, brimming with fragrance and vibrance, this makes a truly memorable gift!

Dozen Pink Roses


Soft and delicate, yet bold and vibrant, this arrangement of velvety pink roses is a classically beautiful medley of tender color and sweet fragrance. A wonderfully heartfelt and heartwarming get well gift!

2 Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet


Precious blooms of soft pink radiate delicate beauty from this stunning arrangement of pink roses. Nestled in lush greenery, these beauties make the perfect get well gift!

One Dozen Red Roses


One dozen delightfully decadent red roses spring to life from this stunning arrangement. Velvety, vivid and vivacious, these brilliant blooms make a wonderfully heartfelt and memorable gift for a loved one who's under the weather.

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Radiating beauty, fragrance and rich hues of red, these velvety, yet bold, roses make an exquisitely thoughtful and memorable get well gift.

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender and full of sheer beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen pink roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful gesture of your sincere support.

How Gorgeous 2 Dozen


Dramatic and full of breathtaking beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses conveys your most poignant sentiment. A truly gorgeous and magnificent surprise!

No Ordinary Love


Romantic roses amid luscious greenery have set the standard for sharing sincere sentiments. One dozen roses in a glittering glass vase is a polished take on the time-honored gesture. A truly unforgettable way to send your well wishes!

Purity and Love


Exude radiant vitality and best wishes with this bountiful bouquet! Overflowing with fresh flowers in a dazzling display, this wonderful gesture truly speaks straight from the soul.

My Favorite Pink


Sweet scents and captivating color ensure this array of vibrant, velvety flowers will illuminate any room! Stunning and sublime, these blooms make for a wonderful and smile-inducing get well gift!

Love Creation


Express your tender thoughts and prayers with this bountiful bouquet of fragrant pink and red roses in assorted sizes. Make it a day to remember�order from a talented florist today!

Blushing Roses


Express sincere wishes for a swift recover with the tender beauty of twelve perfect pink roses complemented with fresh greens in a tranquil glass vase. Lend your support�order today!

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